S. Krishha Vikas – IBR Achiever

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S. Krishha Vikas – IBR Achiever

S. Krishha Vikas – IBR Achiever

S. Krishha Vikas (born on June 2, 2022) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 41 pictures, 40 animals, 22 parts of the body, 17 food items, 13 fruits, 11 vehicles, 11 colors, 9 vegetables, 6 shapes, 5 furniture items, 5 birds, flags of 4 countries and 26 associated words of the English alphabet; mimicking the sounds of 10 animals; naming the months in a year and counting from 1 to 10, at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on January 29, 2024.