Kausthav Nandi Budumuru – IBR Achiever

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Kausthav Nandi Budumuru – IBR Achiever

Kausthav Nandi Budumuru – IBR Achiever

Kausthav Nandi Budumuru (born on December 2, 2020) of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling the names of 50 inventors (by the inventions) and the capitals of all 28 Indian states; reciting 10 shlokas, 6 English and 5 Telugu nursery rhymes; identifying 50 fruits, 50 animals, 30 great personalities and answering 20 G.K. questions, at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 17, 2024.