Fastest solo motorcycle expedition to all districts of Tamil Nadu by an individual

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Fastest solo motorcycle expedition to all districts of Tamil Nadu by an individual

Fastest solo motorcycle expedition to all districts of Tamil Nadu by an individual

The record for being the fastest to complete a solo motorcycle expedition to all the districts of Tamil Nadu was set by Aashik Ahmed (born on March 11, 1991) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He started his motorcycle expedition from Chennai on March 25, 2023 at 2.30 am, travelled 2022.83 km in 35 hours and 7 minutes to 38 districts of Tamil Nadu and planted seeds in each district to create an awareness of ‘SAVE NATURE; PLANT TREES’; completed it at Kanyakumari on March 28, 2023 at 4.42 pm, as confirmed on April 18, 2023.