Daibik Bhattacharjee – IBR Achiever

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Daibik Bhattacharjee – IBR Achiever

Daibik Bhattacharjee – IBR Achiever

Daibik Bhattacharjee (born on March 29, 2021) of Kolkata, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 20 animals, 20 birds, 11 countries’ flags, 6 seasons, 20 fruits, 21 vegetables, 17 edible items, 22 objects with colours, 20 parts of the body, 20 vehicles, 12 animals with young ones; reciting multiplication table of 1, English alphabet with associated words and counting from 1 to 20, at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on February 19, 2024.