Maximum Rubik’s Cubes used to make a mosaic picture of Lord Ram by a child

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Maximum Rubik’s Cubes used to make a mosaic picture of Lord Ram by a child

Maximum Rubik’s Cubes used to make a mosaic picture of Lord Ram by a child

The record for using the maximum number of Rubik’s Cubes to make a mosaic picture of Lord Ram was set by Kabir Dhaval Mehta (born on February 14, 2017) of Vadodara, Gujarat. He made a mosaic picture of Lord Ram (6.23 feet x 6.23 feet) by using 841 (3×3) Rubik’s Cubes to commemorate the inauguration of Ayodhya Ram Temple, at the age of 7 years and 1 day, as confirmed on February 15, 2024.