Youngest audiobook narrator

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Youngest audiobook narrator

Youngest audiobook narrator

The record for being the youngest audiobook narrator was set by Ridhhaan Jaiin (born on October 7, 2013) of Pune, Maharashtra. He narrated 4 audiobooks ‘Once Upon in My Mind’ (ISBN: 978-16-69655-11-4) ’The Mirror and The Greedy Man’ (ISBN: 979-88-22656-72-7), ‘The Despicable Virus’ (ISBN: 979-88-22663-01-5), ‘Penny and The Monsters’ (ISBN: 979-88-22652-04-0), released by Ridhzworld Publishing from June 18, 2022 to November 7, 2022, at the age of 9 years, 8 months and 3 days, as confirmed on June 10, 2023.