Saanvi Sharath – IBR Achiever

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Saanvi Sharath – IBR Achiever

Saanvi Sharath – IBR Achiever

Saanvi Sharath (born on August 29, 2022) of Mysuru, Karnataka, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 14 parts of the body, 10 vehicles, 14 fruits, 12 birds, 16 vegetables, 9 domestic animals, 10 shapes, 12 professions, 10 countries’ flags, 9 famous places; recalling English alphabetical words, 10 opposites, days of the week, months in a year, numbers from 1 to 20, Kannada alphabet and imitating the sounds of 14 animals, at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on March 8, 2024.