Reyansh Raj Swain – IBR Achiever

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Reyansh Raj Swain  – IBR Achiever

Reyansh Raj Swain  – IBR Achiever

Reyansh Raj Swain (born on June 11, 2021) of Bhanjanagar, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 6 professionals, 10 shapes, 4 planets, the moon, the milky way, 12 vehicles, 24 vegetables, 15 fruits, flags of 6 countries, 12 birds, 3 eminent personalities, 6 famous places, 24 animals, 6 flowers, 9 colors, 9 aquatic animals and solving 7 puzzles, at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 11, 2023.