Reciting numbers 1 to 10 in maximum languages by a blindfolded child in Vajrasana yoga pose

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Reciting numbers 1 to 10 in maximum languages by a blindfolded child in Vajrasana yoga pose

Reciting numbers 1 to 10 in maximum languages by a blindfolded child in Vajrasana yoga pose

The record for reciting numbers 1 to 10 blindfolded in the maximum number of languages in Vajrasana Yoga Pose was set by Abiya Mariam Mathews (born on June 6, 2013) of Kollam, Kerala. She recited numbers from 1 to 10 in 25 languages including Malayalam, English, Hindi, Danish, Indonesian and French in 1 minute, 42 seconds and 33 milliseconds while being blindfolded and holding the vajrasana yoga pose (Diamond pose) at the age of 9 years, 11 months and 5 days, as confirmed on May 11, 2023.