Nihan Uthappa P.V. – Appreciation

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Nihan Uthappa P.V. – Appreciation

Nihan Uthappa P.V. – Appreciation

Nihan Uthappa P.V. (born on April 22, 2019) of Kodagu, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 10 deities, A-Z, numbers from 1-10, 37 parts of the body, 12 shapes, 17 colours, 13 baby animals, 61 animals, 12 insects, 32 vehicles, 23 birds, 20 sports, 20 fruits, 28 vegetables; reciting 8 national symbols, names of fingers, 35 antonyms; enacting 20 actions, 10 emotions; solving puzzles; answering 38 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on August 7, 2021.