Maximum hula hoop spins performed standing on inverted earthen pot while solving 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube

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Maximum hula hoop spins performed standing on inverted earthen pot while solving 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube

Maximum hula hoop spins performed standing on inverted earthen pot while solving 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube

The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins standing on an inverted earthen pot while solving a 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube was set by Ridhaan Hiren Shah (born on December 9, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He performed 669 hula hoop spins in 6 minutes and 1 second while standing on an inverted earthen pot and simultaneously solving a single 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube at the age of 7 years, 5 months and 6 days, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.