Largest Temporary replica of ram mandir

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Largest Temporary replica of ram mandir

Largest Temporary replica of ram mandir

The record for the Largest Temporary Replica of Ram Mandir was set by Shri Sabke Ram Lok Kalyan Samiti of Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The grand Ram Darbar, which measures 140 feet long, 130 feet wide, and soaring 80 feet high is adorned with vibrant colors and sacred symbols. The temporary Mandir which was set up at Dussehra Maidan Indore, also houses handcrafted statues of Lord Shri Ram (17 feet), Laxman ji (15 feet), Sita ji (15 feet), and Hanuman ji (7 feet). The temple was created to celebrate Shri Ram Janmotsav as confirmed on April 17, 2024.