Largest family tree authored in a Malayalam book by an individual

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Largest family tree authored in a Malayalam book by an individual

Largest family tree authored in a Malayalam book by an individual

The record for authoring the largest family tree in a Malayalam book was set by Raju Gopalan (born on March 1, 1946) of Kollam, Kerala. He authored a book titled ‘Ezhavarude Abhijhatha Vamshaparamparyam: Mayyanadinte Kalpadukal’ (ISBN: 978-93-58131-93-2), self-published in Malayalam language in the year 2014. In this family tree book, the author describes 78 families spanning 7 to 9 generations, which are connected either through blood or matrimony. This book lists more than 28,000 family members in 766 pages, as confirmed by March 17, 2023.