Krithi Lokesh – Appreciation

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Krithi Lokesh – Appreciation

Krithi Lokesh – Appreciation

Krithi Lokesh (born on March 6, 2018) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 38 animals, 20 fruits, 14 vegetables, 16 vehicles, 10 birds, 22 household items, 10 shapes, 10 colours, 5 professionals, 20 food items, 14 cartoon characters, 20 parts of the body, 4 national symbols, flags of 6 countries; reciting the English alphabet, numbers from 1-50, 4 poems in 4 languages, days of the week, months in a year; and imitating the sounds of 20 animals at the age of 3 years and 7 months, as confirmed on November 1, 2021.