J.K. Moumitha – IBR Achiever

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J.K. Moumitha – IBR Achiever

J.K. Moumitha – IBR Achiever

J.K. Moumitha (born on February 28, 2021) of Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for identifying 21 fruits and vegetables, 10 parts of the body, 16 vehicles, 11 electronic items, 15 stationery items, 19 cosmetic items, 22 animals, 5 colours, 9 actions, 34 food items, 5 flowers, 8 birds and 5 famous personalities; reciting the capitals of 5 Indian states, days of the week, months in a year and 3 English nursery rhymes, at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on February 27, 2024.