Fastest female to cycle from Chisumle to Umling La Pass

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Fastest female to cycle from Chisumle to Umling La Pass

Fastest female to cycle from Chisumle to Umling La Pass

The record for being the fastest to cycle from Chismule to Umling La Pass was set by Roohi Chhabra Sood (born on November 21, 1984) of Gurugram, Haryana. She started cycling from Chismule (at an altitude of 19,000 feet) at noon on August 26, 2023, and reached Umling La Pass (at an altitude of 19,024 ft) at 6.07 p.m. the same day, covering a distance of 24.3 km in 6 hours and 7 minutes at a speed of 3.9 km/h, as confirmed on September 11, 2023.