Fastest child to solve a Cylinder Rubik’s Cube while performing Taekwondo kicks

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Fastest child to solve a Cylinder Rubik’s Cube while performing Taekwondo kicks

Fastest child to solve a Cylinder Rubik’s Cube while performing Taekwondo kicks

The record for being the fastest to solve a Cylinder Rubik’s Cube while performing Taekwondo kicks was set by Kosana Nathaniel (born on April 23, 2015) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He solved a single Cylinder Rubik’s Cube in 1 minute and 10 seconds, while performing 92 Taekwondo kicks with both legs (against a hit pad), at the age of 8 years, 10 months and 3 days, as confirmed on February 26, 2024.