Adnan Zayn – IBR Achiever

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Adnan Zayn – IBR Achiever

Adnan Zayn – IBR Achiever

Adnan Zayn (born on January 29, 2022) of East Midnapore, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for naming the months in a year, days of the week, colors of the rainbow, 6 seasons, 8 planets, 5 oceans and 5 fingers; recalling 12 National symbols and 26 English alphabetical words from A to Z; identifying 10 colors, 18 fruits, 18 vegetables, 3 colors of the National Flag, numbers from 1 to 50 and 20 shapes, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on December 26, 2023.