A. Rudransh Behera – IBR Achiever

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A. Rudransh Behera – IBR Achiever

A. Rudransh Behera – IBR Achiever

A. Rudransh Behera (born on October 3, 2021) of Jajpur, Odisha, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for recalling 21 National symbols and 29 antonyms; reciting days of the week, months in a year and 8 shlokas; counting from 1 to 14; identifying 12 colours, 24 vehicles, 12 shapes, 11 deities, 10 monuments, 12 famous personalities, 25 parts of the body, 39 birds, 39 professionals, 35 animals, 16 sports and 16 musical instruments, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on March 15, 2024.