Sujit Mondal – IBR Achiever

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Sujit Mondal – IBR Achiever

Sujit Mondal – IBR Achiever

Sujit Mondal (born on June 14, 2021) of Ranaghat, West Bengal, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for reciting 51 Bengali and 7 English nursery rhymes, Bengali and English alphabets; counting from 1 to 100; naming 20 parts of the body, 12 stationery items, 5 musical instruments, 11 colors, 27 flowers, 6 electrical devices, 6 sports, 27 types of fish, 14 actions, 32 animals, 30 vegetables, 29 fruits, 37 birds, 29 trees, 5 helpers, 24 vehicles, 54 worms and insects in Bengali, at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2023.