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Akash Pawar - Biggest Pittu Record
Akash Pawar – Biggest Pittu Record
In present circumstances, where outdoor games are rapidly becoming obsolete, an initiative in the direction of their revival, conservation needs to be made.

Rural games in comparison to those played in urban areas, which are facing the onset of more of indoor games in comparison to outdoor ones, rural areas which provide children with the opportunity, time to play outdoor games, need to be inculcated in playing habits of children in general for the games known useful for the all round development of future Indian citizens.
Good feat achieved Akash Pawar !!
Akash Pawar (born on October 7, 1998) of Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, created the biggest pittu (a game played mostly in rural areas) of 11.29 ft height and 2.5 ft width made up of ply-wood, as on August 28, 2017.