Y. Krishanth Abhimanyu – Appreciation

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Y. Krishanth Abhimanyu – Appreciation

Y. Krishanth Abhimanyu – Appreciation

Y. Krishanth Abhimanyu (born on February 14, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting the English alphabet, 4 seasons, 7 continents, 25 G.K. questions, 9 planets, 28 states of India, names of car brands (from A-Z), sounds of 10 animals, months in a year, days of the week, numbers from 1-100; identifying 10 shapes, 13 parts of the body, 16 sports, 18 leaders, 18 wild animals, 10 colours and 25 vehicles at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on December 28, 2021.