Ruthwika Reddy Oruganti – Appreciation

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Ruthwika Reddy Oruganti – Appreciation

Ruthwika Reddy Oruganti – Appreciation

Ruthwika Reddy Oruganti (born on July 30, 2017) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for reciting alphabet from A- Z with corresponding words and phonetic sounds, 10 periodic table elements, 8 planets, Telugu varnamala, spellings of numbers from 1-10; identifying 80 items from flashcards, 12 cartoons, 17 shapes, 12 actions, 13 colours, random two- digit numbers, 14 kitchen items; answering 10 G.K. questions; reading English words, at the age of 3 years and 8 months, as confirmed on April 23, 2021.