Rudra Gayathri – Appreciation

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Rudra Gayathri – Appreciation

Rudra Gayathri – Appreciation

Rudra Gayathri (born on September 18, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 78 domestic objects, 16 clothes and ornaments, 20 food items, 12 fruits, 59 animals, 14 vegetables, 16 professionals, 12 festivals, 8 historical monuments, 10 flowers, 19 parts of the body, 11 great personalities, 16 birds, 20 vehicles; reciting numbers from 1-10; recalling 7 national symbols, English alphabetical words; and imitating the sounds of 10 animals at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on August 10, 2022.