Raghavi Renuraman Mungse – Appreciation

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Raghavi Renuraman Mungse – Appreciation

Raghavi Renuraman Mungse (born on August 17, 2018) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying and recalling the names of eleven dinosaurs, 53 elements of the periodic table, flags of 14 Australian countries, 22 European countries, 35 countries of North and South America, 42 Asian countries, 32 countries on the globe, numbers from 1 to 50, 13 geometrical shapes, planets of solar system, eight mathematical signs; recalling 24 opposites, pronouncing 65 & reading 133 words, solving 24 pieces puzzle and reading short story books, at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on December 23, 2020.