Mohammad Taifur Faizaan – Appreciation

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Mohammad Taifur Faizaan – Appreciation

Mohammad Taifur Faizaan – Appreciation

Mohammad Taifur Faizaan (born on July 19, 2018) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for reciting 25 English rhymes, Kalima tayyaba; identifying 32 action words, 32 food items, 9 shapes, 26 fruits, 27 vegetables, 28 party articles, 18 story words, 13 medical words, 20 flags, 12 colours, 20 birds, 24 farm animals, 24 animals, 22 sea animals, young ones of 20 animals, numbers from 1 to 20; writing the English alphabet; and performing single digit addition at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on June 9, 2022.