Maximum 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cubes solved while performing hula hoop spins by a kid in one hour

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Maximum 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cubes solved while performing hula hoop spins by a kid in one hour

Maximum 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cubes solved while performing hula hoop spins by a kid in one hour

The record for solving the maximum number of 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cubes while performing hula hoop spins in one hour was set by Parvathi Sudeeksha Nallimilli (born on December 24, 2016) of Ajjaram, Andhra Pradesh. She solved 26 Rubik’s Cubes while performing 6,130 hula hoop spins simultaneously in one hour, at the age of 5 years, 9 months and 24 days, as confirmed on October 18, 2022.