Enric Lious – Appreciation

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Enric Lious – Appreciation

Enric Lious – Appreciation

Enric Lious (born on July 21, 2019) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 shapes, 31 animals, 13 vegetables, 7 professions, 8 cartoon characters, 16 food items, 6 monuments, 5 freedom fighters, 14 birds, 4 games, 6 insects, 23 vehicles, 23 fruits, 17 parts of the body; reciting numbers from 1-14, English alphabet with words, 8 planets, months in a year, days of the week; and imitating the sounds of 7 animals at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 29, 2022.