Dhanush Srinivas Sanjaykumar – Appreciation

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Dhanush Srinivas Sanjaykumar – Appreciation

Dhanush Srinivas Sanjaykumar – Appreciation

Dhanush Srinivas Sanjaykumar (born on January 11, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for solving 38 addition sums, 35 subtraction sums, 25 multiplication sums, 35 division sums, 24 missing numbers up to 7 digits, 24 odd numbers, 22 even numbers, squares from 1 to 40, forward and backward counting up to 9 digits, greater and less than up to 7 digits, tables from 1 to 20 and tens table from 10 to 1000 at the age of 4 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.