Adona Hazel Mayfus – Appreciation

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Adona Hazel Mayfus – Appreciation

Adona Hazel Mayfus – Appreciation

Adona Hazel Mayfus (born on August 29, 2019) of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for naming 20 Fruits, 18 Birds, 40 Animals, 14 Vegetables, 3 Freedom Fighters, 38 assorted Objects, 8 Vehicles, Reciting 10 Rhymes, 9 National Symbols, Counting 1 to 20, Identify 8 Shapes and 8 Colors, Recite Days of the Week,12 Parts of her Body, 8 natural phenomenon, identifying 2 flags at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 5, 2022.